lunedì 21 dicembre 2015

Episode 8 - Voodoo (cover)

Featuring two different versions of Karnifex, from two different ages, Episode 8 - Voodoo is the pivotal episode that finally reveals the final half of Karnifex's secret origin!

Tattoo Karnifex finds himself inexplicably transformed, as his costume slowly changes its pattern, and his mask morphs from gasmask to skull mask: why is this happening now, and who is murdering Karnifex's partners in the company board?

The answer may come from the sinister witch who is manipulating a very familiar juju, or even from a skull-masked killer from the 1960s, whose costume looks a lot like Karnifex' catsuit!

No other incarnation of Karnifex has ever been abused, humiliated, defeated and mistreated like this one-- but the true power of the masked killer is still to be revealed, as his opponents will soon learn!

Art by Joe Teanby.


Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.
Whoever receives the Karnifex uniform cannot avoid donning it: the gasmask, the gloves, the catsuit, the boots.
The host is transformed, as their most secret and inhuman urges are brought to the surface, turning the man into the remorseless killer!
From that moment on, the gasmask and the uniform become the only real identity of the host, who begins a second life made of blood, sex and theft.
But the Karnifex Suit is a curse, and as such, will ultimately spell doom for the host and anyone whose life has been touched by Karnifex's deadly touch.

For the whole online series, go to the Karnifex Episodes Index.

domenica 20 dicembre 2015

Episodio 8 - Voodoo - copertina

Copertina "vintage" di Voodoo, l'avventura che rivela le origini segrete di Karnifex: alla fine degli anni 1960, qualcuno riuscì a uccidere un assassino seriale...con il risultato di scatenare, anni dopo, una minaccia persino peggiore!

Chi è veramente Karnifex, e perchè la sua maledizione si sposta da un ospite a un altro, bruciandoli spietatamente?

La risposta può giungere solo da colui che diede inizio alla stirpe: un sinistro personaggio che indossa perennemente una maschera da teschio!

Arte di Joe Teanby.

Vai all'indice degli episodi.

martedì 15 dicembre 2015

Episode 8 - Voodoo (finale)

In the final pages of Episode 8 - Voodoo, Giovanni finds himself wearing a powerless suit-- he may be masked like Karnifex, but the Karnifex powers are gone!
And who is the mysterious witch whose voodoo rituals are forcing Giovanni to kill his own partners of the company board?
Answers won't be found until Giovanni faces another masked killer from the 1960s-- is he the original Karnifex, and does he know the true origin of the Karnifex curse?
All will be revealed in this nightmarish and deadly conclusion-- but will someone get out of here alive?

Art by Luca Bovo.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
English edits by Joe Teanby.


Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.
Whoever receives the Karnifex uniform cannot avoid donning it: the gasmask, the gloves, the catsuit, the boots.
The host is transformed, as their most secret and inhuman urges are brought to the surface, turning the man into the remorseless killer!
From that moment on, the gasmask and the uniform become the only real identity of the host, who begins a second life made of blood, sex and theft.
But the Karnifex Suit is a curse, and as such, will ultimately spell doom for the host and anyone whose life has been touched by Karnifex's deadly touch.

For the whole online series, go to the Karnifex Episodes Index.

martedì 8 dicembre 2015

Episodio 8 - Voodoo (finale)

In Voodoo (finale), la caduta di Karnifex è completa.

Privo dei suoi poteri, manipolato da un oscuro nemico che lo aggredisce tramite il voodoo, Karnifex si schianta con il suo SUV contro un albero...e precipita in un incubo ambientato nel 1960, dove assiste all'atroce morte di un assassino mascherato da teschio!

Cosa sta succedendo? E' forse la rivelazione definitiva sulle origini di Karnifex?

E riuscirà Giovanni a sopravvivere per vendicarsi del suo nemico occulto?

Arte di Luca Bovo.
Storia e lettering di Franco Villa.

Vai all'indice degli episodi.

giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

Episode 8 - Voodoo (Act 2)

Back in his Karnifex suit, Giovanni has just realized that his mask has spontaneously morphed from gasmask to skull mask!

What is happening to him, and why does his mysterious copycat keep eluding him?
His girlfriend Heather is coming too close to the truth, as the mastermind behind this plot makes their first appearance.

When Karnifex suddenly awakes in pain in the middle of a new murder scene, things begin to get clear..but just like that, his powers are gone, and Giovanni must face a brutal security guard, armed only of his weird tight suit and a skull mask that threatens to suffocate him!

Art by Luca Bovo.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
English edits by Joe Teanby.


Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.
Whoever receives the Karnifex uniform cannot avoid donning it: the gasmask, the gloves, the catsuit, the boots.
The host is transformed, as their most secret and inhuman urges are brought to the surface, turning the man into the remorseless killer!
From that moment on, the gasmask and the uniform become the only real identity of the host, who begins a second life made of blood, sex and theft.
But the Karnifex Suit is a curse, and as such, will ultimately spell doom for the host and anyone whose life has been touched by Karnifex's deadly touch.

For the whole online series, go to the Karnifex Episodes Index.

domenica 1 novembre 2015

Episodio 8 - Voodoo (atto 2)

In Voodoo (atto 2), Giovanni scopre che la sua maschera antigas di Karnifex si è trasformata spontaneamente in una maschera da teschio. Che significa tutto ciò?
Karnifex non ha tempo per trovare una risposta: deve sorvegliare e proteggere Gregorio, tenendo anche a bada l'invadenza della la fidanzata di Giovanni, l'aggressiva Heather. E quando il voodoo inizia a colpire...Giovanni si trova mascherato, ma senza poteri, in una stanza a lui sconosciuta, circondata da antifurti e guardie armate fino ai denti!
Come se non bastasse, la seduta voodoo finisce con l'evocare lo spirito di un altro assassino con la maschera da teschio!
Come riuscirà Giovanni a uscirne?

Arte di Luca Bovo.
Storia e lettering di Franco Villa.

Vai all'indice degli episodi.

sabato 12 settembre 2015

Episode 8 - Voodoo (Act 1)

Giovanni is back into the Karnifex suit, after being inactive for months.
He is using his secret identity to investigate on the mysterious deaths of the board members of his own financial company.
As Karnifex, he loses control while interrogating another shareholder, Carmen. He ends up abusing her, but not without being unmasked by the woman.
Thrilled by the pleasure of being back to be an unseizable masked rapist, Karnifex is set on never going back to the civilian identity of Giovanni.
From now on, the gasmask and the catsuit will stay on... forever.

The mystery of Voodoo" continues now!

Lineart by Vincenzo Antronico.
Inks by Lucas Ferreira Santos.
Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
English edits by Simon Reeves.


Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.
Whoever receives the Karnifex uniform cannot avoid donning it: the gasmask, the gloves, the catsuit, the boots.
The host is transformed, as their most secret and inhuman urges are brought to the surface, turning the man into the remorseless killer!
From that moment on, the gasmask and the uniform become the only real identity of the host, who begins a second life made of blood, sex and theft.
But the Karnifex Suit is a curse, and as such, will ultimately spell doom for the host and anyone whose life has been touched by Karnifex's deadly touch.

For the whole online series, go to the Karnifex Episodes Index.

mercoledì 9 settembre 2015

Wild West Karnifex

Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.

Wild West Karnifex (also known as KowBoy Karnifex) took possession of the young son of a Federal Marshal (or a Ranger?) and a Native American woman, turning the friendly kid into a deadly gunner.
Raping the same women that his father and his uncle swore to protect from the abuse of the white men, Wild West Karnifex is just waiting for the chance to challenge his own father in a quickest-draw contest.
For the moment, though, the kid is just happy to wait for the night, sneak out of the firecamp, don the leather mask of Karnifex and have his actual clothes transformed into the Karnifex suit. That's when the slaughter begins.
Yes, the everyday clothes of the kid are actually a disguised version of the Karnifex suit: in the Wild West, there was just no way to carry around a backpack for the full Karnifex suit without rising suspicions.
How the kid manages to remain so sunny and charming, even if he spends the whole day wrapped in the Karnifex curse, is truly a mystery of its own.

By Franco and Luca.

Check out the Italian Horror gallery for more designs and online comics of Karnifex, the thousand-faced monster that dwells in each of us.

sabato 1 agosto 2015

Karnifex - lottatore / 1960 / Impermeabile / Salamandra / contro Zigomar

 Karnifex in Trench di Terat0gen.
Karnifex Salamandra di Seb and Franco.

Karnifex è l'assassino soprannaturale mascherato il cui aspetto muta costantemente, come la sua maledizione si sposta da un uomo a un altro.

Guidato da insaziabile avidità, lussuria e sete di sangue, Karnifex cela il suo volto dietro una maschera antigas la cui forma varia da quella convenzionale a infinite altre: teschi, teste di insetto, maschere da lottatore e così via.
Anche la sua uniforme si modifica, adattandosi allo stile di vita dell'ospite: un soldato, un affarista, un politico, un polizioto, un teppista, uno studente... ognuno di loro ha una inquietante autoimmagine interiore che attende solo di emergere.

Quando l'identità di Karnifex pianta le sue radici in un uomo, il cervello rettile che è una parte fondamentale di ogni essere vivente, diviene dominante.
E così nasce Karnifex Salamandra: gommoso e flessibile come una salamandra, lucente come una muta da sub, agile e veloce, può piegare il suo corpo in modo impossibili, e solo il fuoco lo può uccidere.

Negli anni 1960, Karnifex aveva un aspetto e un comportamento diversi: concentrato sulla sua "missione", non dava spazio a lussuria e avidità. Una perfetta macchina omicida, Karnifex cambiò quando il costume si spostò su un nuovo ospite: uno skinhead culturista che adottò un teschio come forma della maschera.
Il Karnifex culturista si scontrò con l'eroe serbo Zigomar, un personaggio liberamente basato su L'Uomo Mascherato.
E' possibile che i poteri di Karnifex e Zigomar si siano fusi, quando Karnifex rubò l'anello di Zigomar: di conseguenza, Karnifex fu trasformato in un nuovo essere mascherato...almeno finchè Zigomar non si riprese l'anello.

Derubato della maschera di teschio da una collezionista di oggetti arcani, il Karnifex culturista si ritrovò intrappolato in un'estensione del suo stesso costume, il quale sostituì il teschio con una maschera temporanea, per nascondere l'identità dell'ospite umano e concedergli l'uso di una parte limitata dei propri poteri. Influenzata dall'ospite, la maschera sostitutiva adottò lo stile delle maschere dei lottatori di wrestling.
Questo Karnifex Lottatore affrontò una corsa contro il tempo, per riprendersi il Teschio prima che i suoi poteri gli venissero negati del tutto.

Visita la galleria dell'orrore italiano di Karnifex per altri modelli e fumetti online di Karnifex, il mostro dai mille volti che dimora in ognuno di noi.

Karnifex - luchador / 1960s / Trenchcoat / Salamander / versus Zigomar

Trenchcoat Karnifex by Terat0gen.
Salamander Karnifex by Seb and Franco.

Karnifex is the supernatural masked killer whose appearance is constantly changing, as his curse moves from one man to another.
Driven by endless greed, lust and thirst for blood, Karnifex hides his face behind a gasmask whose shape varies from the standard item's to skulls, insect-like heads, luchador mask and more. His suit changes shape as well, adapting to the lifestyle of the host: a soldier, a businessman, a politician, a cop, a thug, a student-- each of them has an innermost, disturbing self-image that is just waiting to surface. 
When the Karnifex identity plants its roots in a man, the reptilian brain that is a fundamental part of every living being, becomes dominant. And thus, Karnifex Salamander is born: rubbery and flexible as a salamander, shiny like a wetsuit, sleek and fast, he can bend his body in impossible ways, and only fire can kill him.

In the 1960s, Karnifex looked and acted different: he was focused on his "mission", never giving in to lust and greed. A perfect killing machine, Karnifex changed when the costume moved to a new host: a skinhead bodybuilder who adopted a Skull as a mask.

Body-builder Karnifex clashed with Serbian hero Zigomar, a character freely based on The Phantom. It's a possibility that Karnifex's and Zigomar's powers merged, when Karnifex stole the Zigomar ring: as a consequence, Karnifex was transformed into a new masked being... at least until the real Zigomar took back the ring.

Having lost his skull mask to a collector of arcane items, 1960s' body-builder Karnifex was encased by an extension of his own suit, which replaced the skull mask to hide the identity of the human host and grant him a measure of its fading powers. Influenced by the host, the replacement mask was shaped as a Luchador Mask.
Wrestler Karnifex only had a limited time to get back the Skull, before his powers were completely lost to him.

Check out the Italian Horror gallery for more designs and online comics of Karnifex, the thousand-faced monster that dwells in each of us.