mercoledì 19 giugno 2019

Episode 11 - The Bastard Cop Alliance

In The Bastard Cop Alliance, the lost battle between Inspector Casati and the Unseen is finally chronicled.

His special forces career was ruined by Karnifex. Thrown out and disonhored, ex-ispector Casati became a lone hunter, stalking the night in search of clues that would lead him to the elusive Karnifex.
Obsessed with revenge, Casati will atttack anyone who might even remotely look like the masked killer. But what happens when Casati mistakes the mysterious Unseen for Karnifex?
How will end the clash between two of Karnifex's enemies who have manage to survive to this day?

Story & lettering by Franco Villa.
English edits by Joe Teanby.

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